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MIAS Mountain Bike Leaders Course Level 1 Training / Assessment – Level 2 Training

December 9, 2021 @ 9:00 am - December 10, 2021 @ 5:30 pm


The purpose of the Mountain Bike Instructors Award Scheme is to promote the safe enjoyment of mountain biking in an off-road environment. The scheme provides training and assessment in the technical and group management skills required by those who wish to lead groups in a variety of on and off-road environments in the UK and abroad.

It integrates training, experience and assessment in a variety of testing conditions as well as some basic on road training. Since its introduction in Birmingham in 1989 the award has become recognised by Local Authorities, MOD, Emergency Services, Outdoor Education Centres and statutory Youth Services as providing technical excellence in this field.

The scheme is recognised throughout the UK and abroad It is the national gauge against which standards of competence are measured. To prevent duplication and to compliment many of the existing awards which currently exist for walking. This award has been run in conjunction with standards which have already been set.

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Course Information

Scope Of The Scheme

The Mountain-bike Instructors’ Award Scheme offers the opportunity to gain competence in leading mountain biking in off-road environments. Completion of a training course alone, without taking an assessment is not a qualification in itself, although it may be of considerable benefit to the trainee.

It is the duty of the employer or operating authority to decide whether a leader possesses the personal attributes needed to take responsibility for a group of people. It is the combination of technical skills, wide experience and personal qualities which forms the basis for effective group management. The scheme assesses the technical skills and experience, the employer or operating authority must gauge personal qualities.


Stages Of The Scheme

The scheme consists of:

  • Registration and issue of log book
  • Training course
  • Consolidation period – gain further riding experience personal and as a leader
  • Assessment at the appropriate level



Candidates registering for the scheme must be a minimum of 16 years old (Junior/Assistant Leader 16+), and have a genuine interest in off road biking with at least twelve months experience of off road riding as well as an interest in leading groups. Candidates will be registered with the Mountain Bike Instructors’ Award Scheme when they attend a training course.



Candidates must attend a training course at an approved centre. Courses may be residential but not always and may be run during the week or over a weekend. Courses can be tailored to suit individuals and groups.

The training course is for potential leaders/instructors and assumes basic competence as a mountain biker. It emphasises those skills which a candidate might have difficulty in learning without expert guidance. A few minor aspects of the syllabus may not be covered during the training course and candidates are expected to learn about these in their own time.

The course provider/Trainer/Assessor will complete the appropriate pages of the candidates log book and an action plan at the end of the training course


Log Book

The log book is divided into ten sections. The candidate’s relevant experience in off road riding should be recorded in the log book in the appropriate section. Entries should be concise and easily read and should provide a complete record of the candidate’s biking experience.

During the period between training and assessment, candidates are expected to gain extensive personal experience in appropriate terrain. This should include some practice in leading groups on appropriate terrain and working under the guidance of a suitably experienced instructor in more difficult terrain. Every opportunity should be taken to practice the skills learned during training.


First Aid Requirements

At the start of the assessment course, the candidate must hold a currently valid first aid certificate. A minimum of 8 hours first aid training for Level 1 & 2 and 16 hours for level 3 is required.



When applying for assessment, candidates should send the log book and first aid certificate to the course provider to confirm that sufficient experience has been gained. Candidates should be familiar with all aspects of the syllabus before assessment, even if some parts of the syllabus were not covered in training. During the assessment candidates will be tested in accordance with the syllabus requirements. The course provider then endorses the log book with an assessment report and makes appropriate recommendations.<

The assessment report will take one of three forms:

  • Pass: awarded where the candidate has demonstrated a proper knowledge and application of the course syllabus and has shown the necessary experience for and attributes of mountain bike leadership and instruction.
  • Deferred: awarded where the candidate has generally performed well and has shown the necessary experience and attributes, but where complete proficiency has not been attained in certain aspects of the syllabus.
  • Recommended Reassessment: awarded where the candidate’s performance has been generally weak, or the necessary experience and attributes have not been shown.


Exemption/Approved Prior Learning

Candidates should have at least two years recent experience of leading groups, mountain biking in the United Kingdom or on application abroad and be able to provide evidence of exceptional experience relating to all aspects of the syllabus. There is no exemption from assessment.

Before applying for exemption candidates should consider the following points:

  • The training course is not an elementary mountain bike course, but a vital part of the preparation for assessment and includes specialised subjects which might be unfamiliar to mountain bikers who are otherwise experienced.
  • The training itself is an interesting and enjoyable experience, from which most mountain bikers can derive considerable benefit .

To apply for exemption, candidates should:

  • Be registered with the scheme
  • Obtain and complete an exemption application form
  • Send the completed form, appropriate fee and log book to the Administrator, Mountain-bike Instructors’ Award Scheme, 104 Peterbrook Road, Major’s Green, B90 1EN


Wilderness/Open Country Environments

MIAS Mountain Bike Leader Level One (MBL1) – Non Technical Terrain – (2 days) this award allows access into low-level terrain, with few potential hazards, i.e. country parks, canal towpaths, and non-wilderness areas where help is almost immediately accessible. Includes blue forest trail routes.

MIAS Mountain Bike Leader Level Two (MBL2) – Technical Terrain – (2 days +) this award allows access into open country, with the potential hazards that surround such terrain. The leader will operate within 30 minutes of cycling assistance. AALS may also require you to hold additional qualifications to work in this terrain. Includes red forest trail routes.

MIAS Mountain Bike Leader Level Three (MBL3) – Mountainous Terrain – (2 days +) this level covers areas defined as mountainous by the Mountain Training UK, but excludes ridges and potential hazardous routes such as ridges or routes involving scrambling. To lead groups on accessible routes to cyclists that are defined by map and ground. AALS may also require you to hold additional qualifications to work in this terrain (e.g. ML, WGLA or equivalent MOD qualifications. Includes red/black forest trail routes.

Mountain Bike Leader Course Content

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December 9, 2021 @ 9:00 am
December 10, 2021 @ 5:30 pm


Okehampton Youth Hostel